Notes on Aristotle and Alasdair MacIntyre

  • The purpose of everything we do is ultimately for a certain goal, with the ultimate goal being politics. The reason we pursue any career, whether it be as an artist or a doctor, is ultimately for politics.
  • The concept of individual good versus common good is important, with the emphasis on the common good being more important than individual good.
  • Young people may not have the experience or a realistic understanding of how things work in the world, therefore their ideas may not be effective. They are driven by passion and desire, but not by a true understanding of the subject matter.
  • The ultimate goal is happiness, and if the actions we take do not bring us happiness, they are not truly good.
  • To understand happiness, we must consider what the greatest happiness is and what brings us happiness. Education is necessary in order to contemplate these issues. There are three forms of happiness: pleasure, honor, and contemplation. Pleasure is temporary and superficial, honor can be fleeting and is dependent on the opinions of others, and contemplation is the active pursuit of virtue.
  • Justice is a complete virtue, and virtue is more important than material gains. We should not prioritize money over everything else, and the actions themselves should bring happiness rather than material benefits. Friendship is a central aspect of justice, and it should be based on goodness and mutual respect for virtues.
  • Different types of political systems have different types of friendships. In a just society, everyone should strive to be virtuous, and this is facilitated through friendship. If we live in a society of strangers, there is no incentive to be a good person to others. If we live in a society where everyone is a friend, we would not take advantage of them.
  • It is difficult to achieve happiness if one is poor or ill. Financial stability and good health are necessary to pursue happiness. We must actively work to develop our character and virtues while maintaining a balance in our lives. It is important to fight against our irrational impulses, and justice helps us to do that.
  • Aristotle's ethics emphasize the importance of developing virtues throughout one's life and working towards justice in society. Working class individuals may face difficulties in pursuing virtue due to financial constraints. Natural slaves are individuals who cannot think for themselves and rely on leaders to guide them.