Friday Finds 27
"This above all: to thine own self be true..." – William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Tim Urban's guide to life.
How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) — Wait But Why
Our career path is how we spend our time, how we support our lifestyles, how we make our impact, and even sometimes how we define our identity. Let’s make sure we’re on the right track.
How to have a successful career.
5 Traits of Succesful People
What are the top predictors of career success?
A few resources on writing effectively.
The Craft of Writing Effectively: A Distillation of The Internet’s Best Lecture About Writing
Dear Friends, The internet’s best lecture about writing is “The Craft of Writing Effectively,” a talk delivered by Larry McEnerney, former Director of Writing Programs, at The University of Chicago. I distilled the 80-minute lecture to its essence (and rewrote some sentences for clarity). The talk i…
This research article found that conscientiouness was the top predictor of career success after intelligence (IQ).