Game of Thrones: Top 3 Quotes (Season 6)
"For years, I pretended to love the poor, the afflicted. I had pity for them but I never loved them. They disgusted me." – Queen Margaery Tyrell

"I don't trust the maesters. I trust their self-interest. They're trustworthy if they're convinced that working with me is in their self-interest." – Tyrion
"For years, I pretended to love the poor, the afflicted. I had pity for them but I never loved them. They disgusted me." – Queen Margaery Tyrell
"[The poor] are hard to love. The poor disgust us because they are us, shorn of our illusions. They show us what we'd look like without our fine clothes and how we'd smell without perfume." – High Sparrow
"I did what I thought was right and I got murdered for it." – Jon Snow
- Honor and loyalty got Jon Snow killed, like Ned Stark.
"Go on then, [kill me]. I deserve it. We all do. We are weak, vain creatures." – High Sparrow
"Try to stay out of fights. But if you have to fight, win." – Rickard Stark to young Eddard Stark
The key lesson of the no-face god: recreate yourself. You don't have to be the person you were born to be. You don't have to be the person your friends and family expect you to be. You can change your personality and life trajectory, where you live, and what you do. You don't have to stay the same. Where do you get role models to recreate yourself as? Dead people. Take their ideas, their way of speaking, where they lived, and the path they took in life.
Margery Tyrell: "It's not an easy thing, admitting to yourself what you really are." Tommen Baratheon: "I... I was just telling [High Sparrow] about your devotion to the poor." Margaery Tyrell: "Ah, yes, I visited their hovels, and I fed them soup, and I made sure I was seen doing it. I never gave them what they really needed, though. I've had lots of time to think about how good I was at seeming good. All the stories I told myself about who I was and... why I did the things I did. There were so many lies in those stories."
- People do altruistic and charitable things to convince others (and themselves) that they're not self-interested and don't have a dark side. But all humans are self-interested and have a dark side.
"There is beauty beneath the sea. But if you stay too long, you'll drown."
Tyrion: "A wise man once said: A true history of the world is a history of great conversations in elegant rooms." Missandei: "Who said this?" Tyrion: "Me, just now."
Tyrion likes to play a game with people he just met where he guesses their backgrounds. Like events or facts about their past. If he's right, they drink. If he's wrong, he drinks.
"Slavery is a horror that should be ended at once. War is a horror that should be ended at once. I can't do both today." – Tyrion
"Lesson number one: assume everyone wants to hit you. Because they do." – Bronn
Cersi to Unella: "Confess. Confess. Confess. Confess it felt good beating me, starving me, frightening me, humiliating me. You didn't do it because you cared about my atonement. You did it because it felt good. I understand. I do things because they feel good. I drink because it feels good. I killed my husband because it felt good to be rid of him. I fuck my brother because it feels good to feel him inside me. I lie about fucking my brother because it feels good to keep our son safe from hateful hypocrites."
"This is irregular." "Yes, well, I suppose life is irregular." – Sam
"The best way to make alliances is with marriage." – Daenerys
"You're in the great game now and the great game is terrifying. The only people who aren't afraid of failure are mad men." – Tyrion
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