Maps of Meaning (Harvard 1996) Lectures by Jordan Peterson Summary How stories, myths, and religion can make you successful in life.
A Message to the 21st Century by Isaiah Berlin Isaiah Berlin warns about trying to create paradise on earth.
The 64 Best Books on Human Nature The best books on human nature, covering topics from psychology to philosophy to literature.
My Favorite Book Passage We are all, each of us, simultaneously oppressor and oppressed. Thus, we come to realize that the twin categories of “guilty oppressor” and “justice-seeking victim” can be made endlessly inclusive.
How Ancient Philosophy Will Improve Your Life If you want to be happy and fulfilled, you have to work on yourself.
How Abusers Think. Read This to Check If You're Toxic The logic goes like this: When you call yourself a victim, it gives you the right to abuse your oppressor. They're the bad guy and you're the good guy, so standing up to them makes you moral – it makes you a hero.